Fitstyler helps you create healthy habits


Keeping fit and healthy shouldn’t be a chore. In fact, exercise should be a regular part of life just like brushing our teeth. Fitstyler helps you create healthy habits. We make it easy to look good and feel great, just by showing you simple changes you can make to what you eat and how often you exercise.


At Fitstyler we put two things above all others when it comes to health and wellness:

1. We LOVE the outdoors. Physical activity outside of the conventional gym environment is proven to improve your mood and enhance vitamin D production. Not to mention you get to breath fresh air all year round.

2. We LOVE to keep you moving. While we might be outdoors, we have multiple locations around Melbourne’s inner north all with under-cover options should mother nature try to get in our way.

Your health and wellness is our passion. Whatever your fitness level, we want YOU to keep moving in the outdoors.

Group based Training

Whether you’re a beginner, don’t have much fitness knowledge or want that extra support to achieve your fitness goals, group fitness classes may be your solution. Joining a class can help build a foundation and structure that you can use to fuel your personal health journey for years to come. Benefits of group training include motivation, structure, accountability, fun and support.